Web Edition

How Balance Club / Culture Festival – Web Edtion works: We publish the contributions according to ⤵︎ the timetable on this website. 
From 20⁠–24 May, our website will feature DJ sets, lectures, multimedia texts, workshops, artist talks, audio-visual works and artistic fashion-pieces. As a grand finale, we will release our Balance-Sampler “Various Artists – Tender Squads” on festival Sunday and, admittedly, fulfill our own long standing wish. The Balance Club / Culture Festival sees itself as an interface between club culture and social critique. All contributions of the festival “Tender Squads” address the question which constellations and alliances can be imagined for the emancipatory potential of a different world to unfold? Which alliances do we want to form and where do we have to insist on difference for our alternatives to be viable? What form of (feminist) care and support do we need for each other right now? Together with you we want to find out, more urgently than ever, how we can maximally destabilize structural inequalities.

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Discourse Program

As every year, the Balance Festival counters the unsavory nonsense of “Männertag” (Men’s day) with a discourse programme to argue for the abolition of this celebration of patriarchy. 

Club culture, like any other form of society, is only ever a reflection of the society in which it exists and can never be a complete alternative: every rave is capitalistic, every cultural production can become a commodity and every output economically exploitable.  In moments of crisis, it becomes clearer than ever how much capitalist logics determine our society — and how important solidarity care practices, tender squads and radical alliances are. And yet it is precisely in this moment that we need escapism, collectivity and utopia for testing, learning and strengthening ideals of a better society. So how can club culture be revolutionary? How can we address the tension between radical imaginations of subculture and the economic dependency on institutional frameworks? And how do we manage to be there for each other, with each other and together, even in times of crisis? During our theme day “RAVE CAPITALISM” we we want to explore these questions and explore different forms and scales of lived alliances: ranging from the personal associations addressed in the podcast/workshop with the Feminist Health Research Group on the topic “Being in Crisis Together” to the institutional conditions elaborated on by the text of Kordula Kunert “Not my institution? Potentials and problems of institutional alliances in club culture” and, of course, the artistic and musical contributions.